“Bridging the gap between economists and decision-makers in the health sector: Learning from others’ experience”
Early 2014, a large benchmark study with 50 senior researchers in health economics from 17 different countries has been conducted. The results have shown that the dual objective is correct, but that it is hard to find the right balance between academic requirements and policy relevance. A number of recommendations have been drawn, based on respondents’ own experience : they have influenced the concerted approach used to frame the potential chair, the balanced definition of governance and the choice of co-construction of the work programme with the chair stakeholders. A similar benchmark study will be conducted in France with health economists and decision-makers.
This benchmark study and all the associated documents have been made by Lise Rochaix and Raphaël Beaufret.
- See the synthesis (June 2014): in French version or in English version.
- Download the complete report in English “Bridging the gap between economists and decision-makers in the health sector: Learning from others’ experience” or in French “L’interface entre économistes et décideurs en santé : retours d’expérience de l’étranger“