Prof. Silvana Robone is Associate Professor at Department of Economics, University of Insubria, Varese, (Italy) and adjoint Lecturer at Bocconi University, Milan (Italy). She is also external affiliate to the Dondena Centre of Research on Social Dynamics (Bocconi University) and the Health, Econometrics and Data Group (University of York, UK). Previously, she worked as Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Insubria (2014-2017) and of the University of Bologna (2012-2014) and as Research Fellow at the Centre for Health Economics, University of York (2006-2012).
Her main research interests regard Health Economics and Public Finance. Results from the research activity of Silvana have been published on top field journals in Statistics (Journal of the Royal Statistical Society), Health Economics (Journal of Health Economics, Health Economics, Social Science & Medicine and The International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics), and Health Science (Health Services Research and the Majo Clinics Proceedings).
Prof. Robone’s current projects regard the evaluation of health system responsiveness, both at national and at international level. Moreover, she is researching the field of patients’ mobility, hospital choices and the consequences of health shocks. Silvana has also a strong interest in the methods to address the issue of heterogeneity in reporting style and, in particular, in the use of anchoring vignettes. Among her current research projects there is also a project on the effect of working conditions and contractual condition on health.
She gave a Seminar at the Paris School of Economics on the 8th of June. She presented a study which aims at analysing the role of hospital-specialty characteristics in explaining variations in patients’ evaluation of responsiveness. The data she uses are drawn from a sample of about 38,700 in-patients treated in public hospitals within the Italian Region of Emilia-Romagna.
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