June 21st 2018, from 9am to 1pm
University Paris Dauphine, Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75016 Paris
15th Morning lecture series of the Collège des Economistes de la santé (CES), en partenariat avec Hospinnomics
For this session, the theme is :
Ethics and health economics : what are the current challenges ?
Contribution to the debate associated with the 2018 French bioethic summit (Etats généraux de la bioéthique 2018)
Against the backdrop of the 2018 French bioethic summit, this lecture series wants to make economists think of the ethical questions linked with their practice and their researches, which are transforming at a fast pace. It also adresses the sensitive question of health gains assessment and its link with the allocation of resources in the health sector.
Program is available here.