All the details about hospinnomics projects: follow this link
Life style changes after health shocks (ME11)
Screening for breast cancer (ME12)
“Voisin-malin” (ME21)
Case management for professional injuries (ME22)
Interactive network for chronic renal failure patients (ME23)
Data linkage (ME24)
Ambulatory surgery (ME31)
European Social Sciences Platform for paediatric oncology (ME32)
Benchmark study (RE11)
Linking value of statistical life (VSL) and QALYs (RE12)
Hospital performance measurement (RE21)
Hospital competition, collaboration and merging (RE22)
Incentivizing ambulatory care (RE23)
Access to Accident and Emergency services (RE24)
Drug pricing (RE31)
Rare cancers & Orphan Drugs: innovation & inequality (RE32)
Out-of-pocket payments in hospitals (RE41)
Migrant population access to hospital care (RE42)
Rare diseases and inequalities (RE43)